Save the Windsor
The Windsor Theatre in Nedlands stands as a splendid testament to the exuberant spirit and widespread allure of cinema entertainment in suburban Perth during the inter-war period. Constructed in the 1930s, this architectural gem reflects the buoyant optimism that followed a time of economic hardship.
As a quintessential example of a 1930s suburban cinema, the Windsor Theatre showcases the inter-war functionalist and art deco styles, embodying the era’s hopeful and optimistic outlook. It epitomizes the innovative approach to cinema design in Western Australia during the late 1930s, featuring a single projection unit that served both the indoor auditorium and the outdoor picture garden, a groundbreaking concept at the time.
It was the first cinema designed by William Leighton, who was renowned in Western Australia for his cinema and theatre designs and is part of an internationally acknowledged collection of art deco theatres in Perth that still stand today.
Cherished by both the local and broader community, the Windsor Theatre has been a beloved suburban cinema since its inception in 1937. With its prominent central tower, the Windsor Theatre is a landmark on Stirling Highway in Nedlands.
The cultural heritage values of this important place were acknowledged in the 1988 Survey of 20th Century Architecture, and classification by the National Trust in 1990. Despite its recognized and well-documented significance, the place has no statutory heritage protection.
Despite the objections of over 20 noted Western Australian heritage professionals, the State Heritage Council decided in 2020 that it did does not have sufficient significance to merit heritage protection at a state level.
In 2017, the City of Nedlands decided not to list places on its statutory heritage list if the owner of the place objected, unless it was already protected under state law.
In 2019, the Windsor Theatre was removed from the city’s municipal inventory and not included in its heritage list.
Given the responsibility of local governments to provide statutory protection to places of local heritage values, the decisions render the heritage provisions of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulation 2015 – Schedule 2 Deemed Provisions, meaningless.
Though the society is firmly of the view that the place should be on the Register of State Heritage Places, there is no doubt it should be at the very least be afforded statutory protection by the local government.
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The Art Deco and Modernist Society of Western Australia is an incorporated association and registered charity. The Society is a membership-based organisation managed by an elected management committee, with support from several working groups—all made up of dedicated and passionate volunteers.
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